Why Use Picote Cutters To Clean Drainage Pipes?

The benefits of the picote cutter technology are secondary, one should be aware of what a picote cutter is. A Picote cutter is a lateral cutter, used for cleaning the drainage pipes or fibres. These most commonly found pipes are pitch fibres that are poor in quality, the pitch fibre is made out of wood cellulose and coal tar. The pitch fibres are not sustainable and much cheaper. These get used in hospitals, schools, etc. The pitch fibers were broadly in action between the 1950s to 1970s. So if you are facing any issue, it’s because of the old pitch fibre drains. Pitch fibres are very inexpensive and thus can be still seen in many domestic and commercial spaces. As these pipes are not so durable, they get dirty soon, to clean those picote cutters are used. Robots can also manage picote cutters.

Benefits Of Using Picote Cutter

  • Faster And More Energy Efficient
  • Prevention Of Odors
  • Prevents Clogging

Picote cutter tools are widely used, which offer efficient and high-speed cleaning. There are two types of picote cutters available, which are as follows.

1. Premium Cutters

The premium picote cutter is double the size of standard cutters and covers more surface area. The increased surface area makes the cleaning faster and smooth. The metal of the cutter is more resilient than the standard one, making it more durable.

2. Regular Cutters

The regular cutters are perfect for PVC pipes and are also available in different sizes and designs. The most common one is a twisted cleaner, a gentle and safe option for PVC pipes. The other option is a twisted spider, which is safe and efficient and cleans all different pitch fibre drains.

How Does Cleaning Happen?

The picote cutter does what it exactly says, it cuts. It cuts out dirt, nails, cement, pins, etc. that a water jet can’t clear. It functions by clearing out the waste from the pipes. A picote cutter is a metal cutter that can fit into anything irrespective of size. And there are various kinds of picote cutters available in the market, which can fit into PVC pipes. The technology of a picote cutter is advanced and can function without damaging the walls of the pipes.

·        Drain Cleaning

Drain cleaning is the essential part of a picote cutter, and mostly cutters are safe and are an efficient way to clean drainage pipes.

·        Rooter And Scale Removal

Drain cleaning gets severe when a tree log or concrete gets stuck in the pipe, to remove it, a strong and accurate cutter is needed. The cutter should offer speed and also safety.

Whenever the drains get clogged, the first thing people do is, search it online. But the information present on the net is not always correct, so when it asks you to use vinegar in a pipe, don’t do it. Picote cutter services are not very expensive, and anyone can afford them. Therefore don’t wait to order vinegar, call a draining service for the best facilities.